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Recovery, Trauma

What NOT to do When Recovering From Trauma: Key Mistakes to Avoid

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What NOT to do When Recovering From Trauma: Key Mistakes to Avoid

There are countless books, blogs and podcasts out there that can tell you how to heal from trauma. But do you know what not to do when recovering from trauma? Doing (or not doing) some things can slow the healing process down, or even rewind your recovery process in some cases.

In this blog, we explore what you should try to avoid if you are healing from trauma, so you can concentrate on getting better. For more information on how Yatra Centre helps people who are suffering from trauma, contact us today on +66 96 916 3287.

What Should I Not do When Recovering From Trauma?

The road to recovery for trauma can be a bumpy one, but there are some pitfalls you can avoid which will mean your recovery is a little swifter than it might otherwise have been. Remember, if you do engage in any of these, don’t beat yourself up. Noone gets recovery perfect, and it is okay to make mistakes!

Don’t Compare Your Healing Journey to Others

People experience trauma in different ways, and they heal from trauma differently, too. Do not be disheartened with the thought that you “should” be further along in your journey than you are. Just being on the journey should be a cause for celebration. 

And the truth is that it is so hard to tell what is happening with someone from the outside. The person you believe has healed all of their traumas completely (!) may still be suffering.

Don’t Self-Medicate With Substance

When you have experienced trauma, there can be an overwhelming desire to numb yourself. This can come in the form of a codependent relationship, compulsive eating, watching porn or any one of a million different numbing strategies.

These can all be damaging and may slow down the healing process. But don’t beat yourself up if you engage in one or more of them. Recovering from trauma can be incredibly challenging, and it is ok to occasionally give in to the desire to not feel.

However, if you can, we strongly advise that you try not to numb yourself by taking substances. These can impede the healing process to a greater degree than these other numbing agents. And you run a serious risk of becoming dependent.

Trauma can prime us for addiction due to changes in the brain which occur from trauma. Once you have healed your trauma there may be no problem with you using substances recreationally, but while you have unprocessed trauma you are at an increased risk of addiction.

Don’t Isolate Yourself

Trauma can encourage us to isolate. Experiencing triggers while being in public may make you want to spend all your time by yourself, where you are safe. But this can be disastrous when it comes to recovering from trauma.

Healing from trauma requires connection with others. This doesn’t necessarily mean being the most social person in the world, but it is important to have people who are reliable, who you trust, and who are sympathetic to what is happening with you.

It can be helpful to connect with people who are either working through trauma currently or who have already been on a trauma healing journey. These people may be able to empathize more effectively than others who have not experienced significant trauma, or who have not begun healing.

Don’t Expect Linear Progress

Healing from trauma is rarely a straight line. It’s common to have good days followed by setbacks, and that’s part of the process. Expecting constant progress can leave you feeling discouraged when you hit an emotional roadblock.

You may even experience healing crises while recovering from trauma, where you have days when you feel like you are back at square one. During these times it is important to remind yourself how far you have come.

If you are having a day when you are feeling incredibly disheartened it may not be possible for you to hear this message from yourself. If this happens, it can be useful to connect with your support network, who can help you see the truth of where you are in your healing journey.

Don’t Neglect Self-Care

When you’re recovering from trauma, self-care is a must. Looking after yourself by eating healthy, exercising and taking time out of your day to unwind reduces how hard it is to heal from trauma.

It can also be useful to engage in mindfulness practices like meditation, yoga and qi gong, as these can all help you relax and regulate the nervous system, which is crucial for trauma healing.

Don’t Avoid Professional Help

It can be tempting to do all of this work by yourself or with your peers. And while it is possible to heal in this way, you can only get so far without the help of a trauma professional who can guide you through the healing process.

Ideally, you should choose a trauma professional who has already healed some of their traumas. Theoretical knowledge of the healing process is great, but having lived experience of working through trauma gives the therapist a better understanding of what you are going through, which usually makes them a more skilled healer.

Yatra Centre in Krabi, Thailand

Recovering from trauma is so much easier when you are supported by a trauma professional who can guide you through the process. At Yatra, we offer a complete holistic healing program at our centre in Krabi, Thailand.

We know what it takes to heal from trauma, and have first-hand experience of healing our own trauma. We know what you are going through and want to help. 

If you would like more information on how we can help you heal, contact us on +66 96 916 3287.

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